International Christian School
- Age 5 - 18 • Primary cum Secondary
- $135,300 - 183,700 HKD per year
- School Website
- info@ics.edu.hk | 3920 0000
American Curriculum
ICS Bridges Program is designed for students aged 11-18 who have significant special learning needs, including areas related to communications, social and emotional interaction, or physical and sensory challenges (eqv IQ lev 50 – 70). This fee includes tuition and additional costs of specialized personnel, as well as maintaining a low student teacher ratio.
Please note only English instruction medium is provided by the Bridges Program.
Families with a proven financial need are eligible to apply for a discounted debenture. Fanancial Aid and Debenture Relief amounts are based on a pre-determined matirix and are solely need-base. Each application are indepndently approved by the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees. ICS does not offer Scholarship.
Interview and Assessment
ICS was opened in 1992, providing affordable, Christian university preparatory education. The school found a niche with non-missionary families who fueled demand for the school's program. This draws into our vision as a school; ICS aims to honor Christ by modeling excellence and innovation in holistic Christian education. ICS has grown to 1200 students from P1 - 12 on our Shek Mun campus and 144 in our Kindergarten Campus in Ma On Shan from Reception 1-2. ICS seeks to be centered upon Christ and is committed to building God's Kingdom and integrating faith, learning, and action. We are an evangelical Christian school that uses academic and extra-curricular programs to develop the whole student – intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually.