(ESF) Discovery College
- Age 5 - 18 • Primary cum Secondary
- $144,000 - 191,300 HKD per year
- School Website
- office@dc.edu.hk | 3969 1000
International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Y1 - Y6: Primary Years Programme (PYP)
- Y7 - Y11: Middle Years Programme (MYP)
- Y12 - Y13: Diploma Programme (DP) / IB Career-related Programme
ESF has a framework, ESF Levels of Adjustment (LOA), for identifying and documenting the adjustments and accommodations for students who require support for learning.
We use LOA 1 to 6 to describe the amount and type of support a student requires in order to access the curriculum. All ESF schools have at least LOA 2 support.
ESF has a Financial Assistance Scheme for families who experience financial hardship due to a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances. Financial assistance is not normally granted in the first year of admission. Information and application forms for the scheme are available from the ESF Centre.
Overseas passport holders will receive priority over local passport holders. ESF also offers priority to the children of parents holding the ‘Top Talent pass’ for employment in HKSAR, please refer to the priority stated below.
Interview and Assessment
1. Corporate Nomination Rights Nominees
2. The children of full-time teaching staff at ESF or ESF Educational Services Ltd
3. The children of full-time support staff at ESF or ESF Educational Services Ltd
4. The siblings of students enrolled at an ESF school
5. Individual Nomination Rights or Class A Kindergarten Debenture Nominees
6. Current students requesting an internal transfer
7. The children of former students who have attended an ESF school for a minimum of three years or are former ESF students returning from a period overseas or siblings of former students who have attended for a minimum of three years and graduated from an ESF school in Year 13
8. Children nominees from universities with collaboration agreements with ESF
9. Students who are qualified as an elite athletes#
10. The children of parents holding the ‘Top Talent pass’ for employment in HKSAR
11. Students currently enrolled in an ESF pre-kindergarten programme (for K1 admissions only)
12. Other applicants who can benefit from an English-medium education
#National-level athletes and athletes sponsored by the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) as an elite athlete.
ESF Discovery College and ESF Renaissance College shall admit students to school in accordance with the prevailing admission policy, including the overarching requirement to admit students holding Hong Kong Permanent Resident status to no less than 70% of the overall student population of the college.
ESF Discovery College is an all-through school, providing an unbeatable setting for your child to learn across the whole of their educational journey. We build outstanding relationships with our students and their families, getting to know each and every one of the children so we can help them learn and develop as individuals. We follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) from Year 1 to Year 13, providing a consistent and coherent approach to your child’s learning at every step.
The student-centred, inquiry-based learning model at the heart of the programmes aligns perfectly with our beliefs about the importance of guiding each and every student to be the best that they can be. Education is a partnership, and we encourage parents to be actively involved, because no one knows your child better than you do. Together we create an environment for our students that ensures they are kind, happy, engaged and always learning.