Stewards Pooi Kei College
56 Siu Lek Yuen Road, Shatin, New Territories
- Age 12 - 17 • Secondary
- $24,360 - 43,500 HKD per year
- School Website
- info@spkc.edu.hk | 2345 4567
International A-Level (IAL)
For details, please visit our website www.spkc.edu.hk
Interview and Assessment
Our school mission is to prepare tomorrow’s leaders with character and intelligence. We believe that every student owns unique qualities and potential. When put to good use, they can become leaders in different aspects in their life, and bring their positive influence to neighbours, community and the whole wide world. To set the direction for all-round development, we consolidated and conceptualized our meaning of Tomorrow’s Leaders by using our school’s name –
S – Servant Leaders
P – Positive Thinkers
K – Keen Learners
C – Confident Explorers