St. Stephen’s College
- Age 12 - 17 • Secondary
- $74,550 - 109,200 HKD per year
- School Website
- sschk@ssc.edu.hk | 2813 0360
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE); International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
SEN Team adopts a 3-tier support model to provide appropriate support for students according to their diverse needs. SEN students are followed up by SEN team and School Social Workers. Case conferences are held to give guidelines to teachers on how to support the SEN students.
Scholarships are awarded annually to students who have outstanding academic ability, who show strong leadership qualities, who demonstrate strength in services to the College and other communities and who contribute substantially to the sporting, music, cultural and social life of the College, whilst maintaining good conduct and behaviour. There are academic scholarships and non-academic scholarships. In addition, the school will use its best efforts in conjunction with other suitable resources, to assist students with financial needs.
For details, please refer to the following links:
Fee Remission
Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: providing after-school support programmes in learning Chinese; appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students’ learning of Chinese; arranging intensive Chinese learning and teaching model(s), e.g. pull-out learning if necessary, split-class/ group learning etc.; organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school; and our school uses Putonghua to teach Chinese in all classes/ groups at certain levels with extra support as appropriate.
Interview and Assessment
Since St Stephen's College joined the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS), we have not participated in the Secondary School Places Allocation System and there is no school net restrictions for applications. We welcome applications from across the territory, mainland and overseas.
Secondary One Admission Criteria:
Only applicants with good academic performance and grade B or above in conduct in Primary 4 and 5 are considered.
Academic results - 50%
Performance in the interview - 37%
Extracurricular achievements - 10%
Others (e.g. children of alumni/staff, siblings of current students/alumni) - 3%
Refer to school website for details and updates:
Secondary Two to Five Admission Criteria:
Only applicants with good academic performance and grade B or above in conduct are considered.
Entrance examinations (English, Chinese and Mathematics) will be held in May.
St Stephen’s College aims to provide quality education and training for the whole person, with a balanced emphasis on moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development, in a caring and supportive Christian environment. We believe in equipping students with life-long learning skills, sound moral principles and broad global perspectives so that they become competent, committed and resourceful leaders of tomorrow.
Our extensive campus of some 150,000 square metres (almost 40 acres) sits in the heart of the scenic Stanley Peninsula, on the southern tip of Hong Kong Island. We are proud to be the largest secondary school in Hong Kong. On this expanse of green, wooded countryside, a source of inspiration to our students, are buildings and facilities that offer an abundance of learning spaces. With over 60 classrooms, special rooms and activity rooms, 3 halls, 3 sports pitches, and 6 dormitories, we provide a pleasant and stimulating environment for our boys and girls. Our continuing expansion of facilities makes us not just a historic but also a forward-looking school.
The SSC curriculum is a blend of rigorous academic courses and wide-ranging co-curricular programmes, designed to equip students with life-long learning capacity to meet the challenges in this ever-evolving world. The academic training focuses on university preparation while co-curricular activities on leadership training and life-wide learning, all of which will better students’ lives at, and beyond the school. SSC offers both the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) (HKDSE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in the Senior Secondary levels. The dual curricula cater to students of different strengths and learning styles so that they all can find the right path to reach their goals in education.
Please visit the school website and our Principal’s Message to know more about SSC: https://www.ssc.edu.hk/