Diocesan Girls' School
- Age 12 - 17 • Primary cum Secondary
- $38,000 HKD per year
- School Website
- info@dgs.edu.hk | 2277 9100
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE); GCE A-Level
See school website www.dgs.edu.hk for further details
Interview and Assessment
academic / nonacademic performance, conduct
Diocesan Girls’ School is an English medium grammar school founded by the Anglican (Episcopalian) Church in 1860. Since September 2005, the School has been operating under the Direct Subsidy Scheme. Current student population numbers around 1120 pupils aged between 12-18. The language of tuition is English (except in Chinese language-related subjects). Entry to the school is selective.
Students are highly motivated, consistently achieving excellent standards in public examinations. All continue on to tertiary education, with the majority attending local universities. Many students win scholarships and gain places to prestigious universities in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and the Mainland.
Secondary 1-3: All students follow a broad-based curriculum and study English, Chinese and Putonghua. Japanese and Spanish cultural interest programmes are also offered.
Secondary 4-6: The School adopts a 3-year syllabus leading to the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examinations (HKDSE). DSE students study English, Chinese, Mathematics and Citizenship & Social Development, and 3 elective subjects, with music or another language as a possible 4th elective. Alternatively, students can opt for the GCE Advanced Level Curriculum in Secondary 5, studying 3 to 4 advanced level subjects, together with English and Chinese to consolidate language competence.
All-round development is stressed at DGS. Girls can develop leadership skills as Prefects, Chairladies and Captains of clubs, teams and music groups. The School competes in 9 Division One and 10 Open Division sports organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation (HKSSF), and in 5 other inter-school competitions. Girls also take part in Hong Kong Schools Speech, Music and Drama Festivals, Inter-school Debating, Model United Nations, different Olympiads, as well as AI, STEM & Robotics-related competitions. Service is encouraged through Youth Fellowship, Citizens’ Club, Community Youth Club, Girl Guides, Red Cross, the HK Association of the Blind, Helping Hand, UNICEF and Zonta Club.