Chinese International School
- Age 4 - 18 • Primary cum Secondary
- $206,200 - 327,100 HKD per year
- School Website
- cis_info@cis.edu.hk | (852) 2510 7288
CIS developed Curriculum (Primary, Y10-11), IB MYP(Y7-9), IB Diploma (Y12-13)
We have specialised teams in both Primary & Secondary focused on providing support for students with SEN needs.
Available for students aged 12 and above who qualify and also for any CIS families who encounter financial hardship
We can offer the option to take admissions assessments online or at a student's current school, if they are unable to travel to Hong Kong
Online application (Primary & Secondary), online parent conversations (Primary), entrance assessments (Primary & Secondary)
Entrance assessment priority is given to Corporate Nomination Right holders, siblings, staff children, and to a lesser degree, children of alumni
Chinese International School (CIS), established in 1983, was the first institution in Hong Kong to offer an international curriculum in both English and Mandarin Chinese. With over 1,600 students from Reception through Year 13, CIS provides a rigorous and dynamic bilingual and intercultural programme that equips and inspires each and every student to flourish.
In Primary, equal time is devoted to the two languages through a school-based curriculum. The Secondary curriculum includes the IB Middle Years Programme for Years 7-9, a school-developed curriculum for Years 10-11, and the IB Diploma Programme for Years 12-13. Notably, CIS also features a year-long residential programme for Year 10 students based in Hangzhou.
CIS recently launched Vision '33: To Seek and to Serve – a bold and ambitious strategic plan for the period leading up to the school's 50th anniversary in 2033 that strengthens the transformational nature of a CIS education. Our priorities will focus on "Each Learning Flourishing", "New Paths Discovered", and "Bridges for Good" as the pathways to excellence that will allow us to achieve our ambitions.