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Thumbnail of (ESF) Bradbury School

(ESF) Bradbury School

43C Stubbs Road, Mid-levels, Hong Kong
  • Age 5 - 11 • Primary
  • $126,200 HKD per year
  • School Website
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School Type
International School
Educational Stage
District and Region
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Year of Establishment
Operation Mode
Student Gender
Religious Affiliation
Places Offered
700 - 800
Average No. of Classes per Grade
4 - 5
Average Class Size
24 - 30

IB Primary Years Programme

Primary Medium of Instruction
Other Language(s) of Instruction
Barrier-Free Access Campus
Special Education Needs Support
Yes -

ESF has a framework, ESF Levels of Adjustment (LOA), for identifying and documenting the adjustments and accommodations for students who require support for learning.
We use LOA 1 to 6 to describe the amount and type of support a student requires in order to access the curriculum. All ESF schools have at least LOA 2 support.

Financial Assistance / Scholarship
Yes -

ESF has a Financial Assistance Scheme for families who experience financial hardship due to a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances. Financial assistance is not normally granted in the first year of admission. Information and application forms for the scheme are available from the ESF Centre.

Special Arrangement for Incoming Students to HK
Yes -

Overseas passport holders will receive priority over local passport holders. ESF also offers priority to the children of parents holding the "Top Talent pass" for employment in HKSAR, please refer to the Admission Priority for more details.

Admission Policy

Interview and Assessment

Admission Priority

Priority for an interview or assessment will be based on the following ranked criteria:
1. Corporate Nomination Rights Nominees
2. The children of full-time teaching staff at ESF or ESF Educational Services Ltd     
3. The children of full-time support staff at ESF or ESF Educational Services Ltd     
4. The siblings of students enrolled at an ESF school
5. Individual Nomination Rights or Class A Kindergarten Debenture Nominees
6. Current students requesting an internal transfer
7. The children of former students who have attended an ESF school for a minimum of three years or are former ESF students returning from a period overseas or siblings of former students who have attended for a minimum of three years and graduated from an ESF school in Year 13
8. Children nominees from universities with collaboration agreements with ESF
9. Students who are qualified as an elite athletes#
10. The children of parents holding the "Top Talent pass" for employment in HKSAR
11. Students currently enrolled in an ESF pre-kindergarten programme (for K1 admissions only)
12. Other applicants who can benefit from an English-medium education
#National-level athletes and athletes sponsored by the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) as an elite athlete.

In line with the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) requirements, ESF’s 9 primary and 5 secondary schools and Jockey Club Sarah Roe School shall admit students to school in accordance with the prevailing admission policy, including the overarching requirements to admit non-local students (those having overseas passports, excluding HKSAR) to no less than 70% of the overall student population of all schools operated by ESF. Overseas passport holders will receive priority over local passport holders.

Other Charges
Non-refundable Capital Levy, Individual Nomination Right, Corporate Nomination Right
Parents’ Association
No. of Teaching Staff
40 - 50
School Hours
Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 2:45 pm
School Bus Service
Enquiry (General); 2574 8249
Enquiry (Admission)
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About the School

At ESF Bradbury School, we work tirelessly to create a safe, caring and fun environment where children receive an excellent all-round education. Our staff take the time to understand each one of their students, so they can succeed by learning in the way that works for them. We use the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), which is a student-centred, academically rigorous curriculum based on the very best teaching and learning practices, and allows for a successful transition to their ESF secondary school. At Bradbury, we understand that every child is unique, and this means not all children learn at the same pace. 


By working closely with the people who know their children the best, their parents, we can understand each child and their needs, tailoring our teaching approach to their child’s learning and ensuring every child at Bradbury is kind, happy, engaged, and always learning.

* Information on each school profile is compiled by Education Bureau based on voluntary contributions by the schools and their return to the annual enrolment survey conducted by Education Bureau. Any enquiries should be addressed to the schools directly.