International College Hong Kong (New Territories)
- Age 11 - 18 • Secondary
- $177,800 - 197,400 HKD per year
- School Website
- info@ichk.edu.hk | 2655 9018
A unique curriculum aims to develop creative, collaborative and independent learning skills, and includes trailblazing courses like Human Technologies, Flexible Learning and Deep Learning; Years 10-11 - IGCSEs and BTECs, supplemented by our own ICHK Transcript; Years 12-13 - IBDP, augmented by their continuing focus on the ICHK transcript
ICHK is committed to inclusive education and our experienced team of staff provides support to students with a range of needs. We support students with EAL needs with both in-class support and withdrawal classes. Students with dyslexia and other Special Education Needs can also be supported provided they can be accommodated within our mainstream classes. Students with pronounced educational needs are supported at our +1 Centre, which is a specialist facility at our school.
ICHK offers a range of scholarships, all closely aligned to the values which underpin our school. A total of 10% of our annual school fees is awarded in scholarships of one form or another every year, and we seek to exceed that wherever possible, as we strive to make our school’s curricula available to as many students as possible
ICHK is a community school and a great deal of help and support is offered to families who join us. An induction programme is in place for students, with a strong emphasis on pastoral care. Parents are invited to events at school and we have an open door communication policy. We have been commended by the Council of International Schools for ensuring a strong sense of belonging and connection for community members.
Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English. Previous school reports or a non-verbal standardised test score to establish that the student will be able to successfully access the curriculum within a reasonable time.
Priority is given to students from our partner schools and the holders of foreign passports.
ICHK is a dynamic IB World School in the beautiful New Territories, characterised by an imaginative and innovative curriculum, and offering a caring environment which fosters and nurtures success in all our students.
We believe that the secondary school experience should deliver both character and academic achievement. Our philosophy is grounded in the conviction that young people should be supported in developing their all-round characters, so that they experience themselves as strong, confident, impassioned learners. Our curriculum combines the best features from external programmes with elements of our own design. The keystone of our approach is the insights of Human Technologies, a curriculum strand of our own design, positioning our students as confident actors in today’s ever-changing cultural landscape. Our programme features core subjects including English, Mathematics and Science, combined with Curriculum X, which encompasses everything we offer beyond the traditional curriculum.
Years 7-9 follow a unique programme, designed to develop resilience and the attitudes and mindsets that underpin ongoing enjoyment of life, performance and success. All students, not just a minority, participate in a full range of activities – sports, drama productions, outdoor expeditions, service projects – stretching and stimulating them as fully-rounded learners. Years 10 and 11 follow IGCSEs and BTECs. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is offered in Years 12 and 13. Throughout, these externally assessed programmes are augmented by the ICHK Transcript.
ICHK has a stunning location, providing students with unrivalled opportunities for outdoor learning by making use of the beautiful Nam Chung Valley, Bride’s Pool, Luk Keng and Starling Inlet. Outdoor learning is built into the fabric of the curriculum.
At the heart of everything we do at ICHK is a dual commitment to ensuring that every student is happy and cared for; and given with the very best education we can offer.