Discovery Bay International School
- Age 5 - 18 • Primary cum Secondary
- $138,100 - 189,300 HKD per year
- School Website
- dbis@dbis.edu.hk | 2987 7331
British Curriculum
High expectations and the pursuit of excellence are fundamental to the approach to learning at DBIS, the British International School in Discovery Bay. From the Early Years Foundation Stage to Primary and into Secondary, the school is focused on developing independent learners who are curious about the world around them and have a desire to explore and inquire.
DBIS’s philosophy is based around the development of the whole child, ensuring all students are given every opportunity to pursue their individual strengths. The school offers a broad international curriculum with British characteristics. Strong links to the community provides a range of student leadership and service opportunities.
The school community comprises over 50 different nationalities with approximately 1,100 students located on three superbly equipped campuses in the tranquil yet vibrant suburb of Discovery Bay – a unique natural setting that offers multiple opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom.